The SEE General Body is in substitution to our traditional Marketing Team and Production Team. As a member of the general body, you have the opportunity to discuss future events, provide input on artists you want to see come to UMD, participate in promotional and programming brainstorming, and chat about cinema. SEE executive board directors will be joining meetings to hear from general body members and receive feedback. Meetings take place once a week starting in the fall.
If you are interested in joining the SEE General Body,
email SEE's Membership Director Diego, at seemembership@umd.edu!
General Body
Executive Board
The SEE Executive Board is comprised of 23 Directors who work together to successfully plan and implement events on campus for the 37,000 students at the University of Maryland.
Directors must attend weekly SEE Executive Board meetings, participate in “all hands on deck” events, such as the Homecoming Comedy Show and Art Attack, be present for five office hours each week, and attend a SEE retreat once a semester. SEE Directors must also maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA and be full-time students throughout the duration of their involvement in the organization. Since SEE is an organization in the entertainment industry, directors occasionally work some nights and weekends; however, SEE is usually one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences in college for directors.
Applications due October 25th.
Production (Pro) Team
Pro Team is no longer accepting applications.
The PRO Team is vital to SEE’s ability to put on a successful event! You can choose which events you want to work, but are required to work either the Spring Comedy Show or Art Attack. Meetings are held once a month to discuss SEE updates; however, these meetings are optional. The mandatory meetings will take place the week of major events, such as the Spring Comedy Show or Art Attack.
You will work under the Technical, Security or Hospitality Director. Technical helps set up before an event and breaks down when the event is over. Tech works with contracted tech companies to build stages, monitors, speakers, and other tech needs. Security monitors areas to ensure that only authorized personnel are entering restricted areas. Hospitality assists with setting up green rooms and providing other needs that artists or guests request (this position will only be available at select events).
If you are interested in joining Pro Team, contact Sarah, SEE's Production Operations Director, at seeproductionops@umd.edu!
Marketing (M) Team
The Marketing Team is a great, easy, and fun way to get involved on campus! The hours for the Marketing Team, outside of weekly meetings, are flexible and based on your own schedule. Any UMD undergraduate student can join, regardless of major.
When you have free time and want to work, you simply come into the SEE office, sign-in, grab some chalk or handbills, and help promote our events around campus.
The more involved you get, the more perks you get, and being involved also sets you up for leadership positions on the team, such as a Marketing Director! At our weekly meetings, we work to brainstorm marketing strategies and promotional ideas. As a member, you will have a real say in choosing how we promote events like Art Attack and Homecoming Comedy Show. Come be a part of something great!
If you are interested in joining M Team, contact Gabby, SEE's Marketing Director, at seemarketing@umd.edu!