What is the SEE funding board?
The SEE Funding Board meets weekly to approve requests for funding for on-campus events. When an application is received, your organization must send a representative to propose your event at the following SFB meeting. If approved by SFB, your event will be brought to the SEE Executive Board that same week for a final vote and approval. For this reason, all applications must be submitted by Friday at 5 p.m., no later than 25 calendar days prior to the event to ensure that funds can be prepared in time.
SEE Funding Board is now accepting applications for the Fall 2024 Semester. Additionally, we are happy to help your event on a promotional level, completely free. Please feel free to reach out to our funding director at seecollabs@umd.edu for any questions!
Please only submit your funding application if all of the following applies:
Your organization is recognized by SGA
Your event is occurring on-campus
Your event is open to the entire UMD community
Your event is not for fundraising or charitable purposes
You are not requesting funding for food or decorations
You have not signed any contracts pertaining to your event prior to applying for funding
UMCP VSA (Vietnamese Student Association)
UMD PSA (Preventing Sexual Assault)
UMD ISF (Iranian Students' Foundation)
UMD Ethiopian Eritrean Association
Erasable Inc.
E-mail Riley at seecollabs@umd.edu for more details on how to fund your next event.
Applications for all co-sponsorships must be submitted to the SEE Funding Director and SEE Funding Board Advisor by Friday at 5 p.m. no fewer than 25 days prior to the event.